Delivery Policy

Last updated 01.01.2024

The purpose of this policy is to provide a simple summary of our terms and conditions relating to Delivery of products and services. All clauses stated here are a part of our Terms of Use which you should read in full.

1. Introduction

we are committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet our customer's needs. Our Delivery Policy outlines the terms and procedures associated with the delivery of our products and services.

2. Project Scope and Timelines

• Scope Definition: Before the commencement of any project, a detailed scope of work (SOW) will be agreed upon by both parties. This scope will include the features, functionalities, and deliverables expected from the project.

• Timelines: Project timelines will be defined in the project agreement. Any changes to the scope or requirements may affect the delivery schedule, and such changes will be communicated promptly and might be attached to the (SOW) separately.

3. Delivery Process

• Development Phases: The project will be delivered in stages, with milestones defined for each phase of the development process. These may include discovery, design, development, testing, and deployment.

• Testing and Quality Assurance: All deliverables will undergo thorough testing and quality assurance checks to ensure they meet the agreed-upon specifications and are free from defects.

• Client Reviews and Approvals: Clients will have the opportunity to review each milestone and provide feedback according to the package features selected. Any requested changes will be addressed as per the terms of the agreement - additional fees may be applied.

4. Delivery Methods

• Digital Delivery: The final solution or service or product, along with any associated documentation, will be delivered electronically via a secure file transfer method, such as email, cloud storage, or a version control system like GitHub.

• Deployment: If deployment is part of the agreed-upon services and Scope of Work (SOW), we will assist in deploying the software to the client’s environment or a hosting service of their choice.

5. Post-Delivery Support

• Warranty Period: A warranty period will be provided after the delivery of the service or product according to the service and package selected and scope of work agreement, during which any defects or issues arising from the development will be fixed at no additional cost after necessary evaluation by our team.

• Ongoing Support: After the warranty period, ongoing support and maintenance services can be provided under a separate fees schedule.

6. Client Responsibilities

• Timely Feedback: Clients are responsible for providing timely feedback if any notice to be fixed at each stage of the project to avoid delays.

• Access to Resources: Clients must provide access to all necessary resources, including servers, databases, and third-party services, to facilitate smooth project delivery.

7. Payment Terms

• Milestone Payments: Payments will be linked to project milestones. Each milestone payment must be completed before moving toward next stage of service.

• Final Payment: The final payment is due upon successful deployment and before final delivery of the products and services.

8. Changes to Delivery Policy

We reserves the right to modify this Delivery Policy at any time. Any changes will be updated on our website and critical changes shall communicated to clients and will apply to all relevant projects and services.

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at: